Welcome to Caterpillars...To have a room where the children feel safe and are happy to come into. We want the children to grow independent, confident and respectful to each other.
🐛🐛🐛 In the Toddler Room, we aim to ensure that each child feels happy and respected. We aim to promote a fun and playful environment, where the children learning is based on their emerging interests. We work together as a team to ensure that the holistic needs of each child are met. 🐛🐛🐛 We want to provide a loving and carrying atmosphere where each child will be supported to learn through a variety of different experiences. |
The older toddlers will now become actively involved with peers and engage for longer periods at a more specific task. 🐛🐛🐛 They start to look out for their ‘friends’ and enjoy their company. 🐛🐛🐛 Sharing, taking turns and caring for each other is all part of senior toddlers. |